FBC: The Plumb Line


The Plumb Line

Since 1997, Thursday evenings at Fellowship Bible Church have been a time of discovery. Members of the congregation and the community have gathered in our Fellowship Hall to be led in a highly-interactive investigation of Christian theology, Biblical exegesis, Church History, and other topical studies such as Comparative Religions and Christian Ethics. The fundamental philosophy behind these classes is the recognition that all believers are indwelt by the same Holy Spirit, and that each is both capable and responsible to “search the Scriptures” to confirm the truth taught there (Acts 17:11). The class leader, Dr. Chuck Hartman, prepares a 12-15 page lesson for distribution each week, as well as supplemental material and reading references for further study. Thursday evening itself consists in an hour and a half lecture, with frequent interaction from the class, on the biblical passage, theological topic, or social/philosophical issue highlighted that evening. The goal of The Plumb Line is to incorporate the whole teaching of Scripture to the whole of every believer’s world and life view, resulting in a more solidly biblical perspective on life and the confrontations and choices we are met with in it.

We have added video capability to The Plumb Line. This allows distance participation in the class, with not only the audio of the lecture, but also the notes, graphs, and diagrams often used on the white board to illustrate and clarify discussion points.

December 19, 2024

The Arc of Revelation: Session 14 (In Him Was Life...)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Arc of Revelation Topic: Theology Class Scripture: John 1:1–1:4, John 5:25–5:29, 1 Corinthians 15:13–15:19, Daniel 12:1–12:3

December 12, 2024

The Arc of Revelation: Session 13 (Death Reigned...)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Arc of Revelation Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Genesis 2:8–2:17, Genesis 3:1–3:7, Romans 5:12–5:21

December 5, 2024

The Arc of Revelation: Session 12 (The King in Zion)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Arc of Revelation Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Genesis 1:27–1:28, Psalms 2, 1 Corinthians 15:20–15:28

November 21, 2024

The Arc of Revelation: Session 11 (The Image in the Temple)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Arc of Revelation Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Genesis 1:27–1:28, Romans 5:12–5:21, Psalms 8

October 31, 2024

The Arc of Revelation: Session 9 (In the Beginning, God Created...)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Arc of Revelation Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Genesis 1:1–2:25, Psalms 19:1–19:14, Isaiah 65:17–65:25, Revelation 21

October 10, 2024

The Arc of Revelation: Session 7 (Hearing the Echoes)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Arc of Revelation Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Galatians 4:21–4:26, 2 Corinthians 3:1–3:6

September 5, 2024

The Arc of Revelation: Session 5 (Canonical Theology)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Arc of Revelation Topic: Theology Class Scripture: John 5:39–5:47

August 22, 2024

The Arc of Revelation: Session 3 (The Canon of Scripture)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Arc of Revelation Topic: Theology Class Scripture: 2 Peter 1:16–1:21, 2 Peter 3:15–3:16

August 15, 2024

The Arc of Revelation: Session 2 (New Testament View of the Old)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Arc of Revelation Topic: Theology Class Scripture: John 1:1–1:14, Romans 10:1–10:11, Galatians 3:8

August 8, 2024

The Arc of Revelation: Session 1 (Why Biblical Theology?)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Arc of Revelation Topic: Theology Class Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 1:1–1:2, Hebrews 4:12, Psalms 36:9, Psalms 119:129–119:131

May 16, 2024

Leviticus: Session 15 (The Fire of Yahweh – Part II)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Leviticus Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Leviticus 10:1–10:20

May 9, 2024

Leviticus: Session 14 (The Fire of Yahweh – Part I)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Leviticus Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Leviticus 9:1–9:24

April 25, 2024

Leviticus: Session 12 (The Peace Offering and the Lord’s Supper)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Leviticus Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Leviticus 8:1–8:36

April 18, 2024

Leviticus: Session 11 (The Command of the Offerings – Peace Offerings)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Leviticus Topic: Theology Class Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:17–11:34

March 21, 2024

Leviticus: Session 8 (The Command of the Offerings – The Altar Fire)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Leviticus Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Leviticus 6:14–6:23

March 14, 2024

Leviticus: Session 8 (The Command of the Offerings – The Altar Fire)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Leviticus Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Leviticus 6:8–6:13

February 29, 2024

Leviticus: Session 7 (The Particular Sacrifices: Guilt/Trespass Offering)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Leviticus Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Leviticus 5:14–6:7

February 22, 2024

Leviticus: Session 6 (The Particular Sacrifices: Sin Offerings Part 2)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Leviticus Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Leviticus 5:1–5:13

February 8, 2024

Leviticus I: Session 5 (The Particular Sacrifices: Sin Offerings Part 1)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Leviticus Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Leviticus 4:1–4:35

February 1, 2024

Leviticus I: Session 4 (The General Sacrifices)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Leviticus Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Leviticus 1:1–3:17

January 25, 2024

Leviticus I: Session 3 (The Old Testament Meaning of Atonement)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Leviticus Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Leviticus 1:1–3:17

January 18, 2024

Leviticus I: Session 2 (The Structure & Place of Leviticus)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Leviticus Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Exodus 40, Numbers 1:1

November 16, 2023

Paul's Theology (Part 4): Session 16 (Faithful Presence)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Paul's Theology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Ephesians 5:1–5:16, Ephesians 6:10–6:19, Romans 8:31–8:39, Romans 13:7–13:14, Colossians 4:5–4:6

November 9, 2023

Paul's Theology (Part 4): Session 15 (Faith, Hope and Love)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Paul's Theology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Romans 5:1–5:5, Romans 8:23–8:25, 1 Corinthians 13:13, Galatians 5:5–5:6

November 2, 2023

Paul's Theology (Part 4): Session 14 (A Voice in the Wilderness)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Paul's Theology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: 2 Corinthians 8–10, Ephesians 2:10–2:22

October 26, 2023

Paul's Theology (Part 4): Session 13 (Temple or Tower?)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Paul's Theology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Acts 17:22–17:31, 1 Corinthians 15:20–15:28, Ephesians 4:11–4:16

October 19, 2023

Paul's Theology (Part 4): Session 12 (Dual Citizenship)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Paul's Theology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Romans 12:14–12:21, Romans 13:1–13:14, Philippians 3:20–3:21, 1 Timothy 2:1–2:2

October 5, 2023

Paul's Theology (Part 4): Session 11 (Prophetic Presence)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Paul's Theology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Romans 1:15–1:32, 2 Corinthians 2:15–2:17

September 28, 2023

Paul's Theology (Part 4): Session 10 (Temple Ecclesiology)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Paul's Theology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:9–3:27

July 20, 2023

Paul's Theology (Part 4): Session 1 (The Future of the Present)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Paul's Theology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Ephesians 4:1–4:16

May 4, 2023

James: Session 14 (The Two Paths Revisited)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Epistle of James Topic: Theology Class Scripture: James 4:17, James 5:13–5:20

April 20, 2023

James: Session 12 (The Royal Law)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Epistle of James Topic: Theology Class Scripture: James 1:22–1:25, James 2:8–2:13, James 5:19–5:20

April 13, 2023

James: Session 11 (A World of Wickedness: The Tongue)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Epistle of James Topic: Theology Class Scripture: James 1:19–1:20, James 1:26, James 3:1–3:12, James 4:11–4:12, James 5:9–5:12

April 6, 2023

James: Session 10 (Homo Economicus)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Epistle of James Topic: Theology Class Scripture: James 4:13–4:16, James 5:1–5:6

March 30, 2023

James: Session 9

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Epistle of James Topic: Theology Class Scripture: James 1:9–1:11, James 2:1–2:7

March 23, 2023

James: Session 8 (Wisdom ‘From Above’)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Epistle of James Topic: Theology Class Scripture: James 1:5, James 3:13–3:18

March 9, 2023

James: Session 7 (Anger Management)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Epistle of James Topic: Theology Class Scripture: James 1:19–1:20, James 3:8–3:12, James 4:11, James 5:9

March 2, 2023

James: Session 6 (Friendship or Enmity?)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Epistle of James Topic: Theology Class Scripture: James 4:1–4:4

February 23, 2023

James: Session 5 (Worldliness vs. True Religion)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Epistle of James Topic: Theology Class Scripture: James 1:5–1:11, James 1:16–1:27

February 16, 2023

James: Session 4 (Brave Patience)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Epistle of James Topic: Theology Class Scripture: James 4:5–4:10, James 5:7–5:11

February 9, 2023

James: Session 3 (Wisdom in Tribulation)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Epistle of James Topic: Theology Class Scripture: James 1:2–1:8, James 1:12–1:15

February 2, 2023

James: Session 2 (To the Twelve Tribes of the Diaspora)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Epistle of James Topic: Theology Class Scripture: James 1:1, Acts 8:1–8:4

January 26, 2023

James: Session 1 (Which James?)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Epistle of James Topic: Theology Class Scripture: James 1:1, Acts 15:1–15:29, Galatians 2:1–2:13

September 15, 2022

Paul's Theology (Part 3): Session 6

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Paul's Theology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:1–10:22, 1 Corinthians 11:23–11:33

August 11, 2022

Paul's Theology (Part 3): Session 2 (The Pneumatic Community)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Paul's Theology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:1–3:17

December 16, 2021

The Ends of the Ages: Session 14

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Ends of the Ages Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Romans 12:17–13:13, Colossians 4:5–4:6, Philippians 2:12–2:15

December 9, 2021

The Ends of the Ages: Session 13

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Ends of the Ages Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Ephesians 4:11–4:16, 1 Corinthians 12:1–12:27

December 2, 2021

The Ends of the Ages: Session 12

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Ends of the Ages Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Romans 8:12–8:30, Galatians 4:4–4:6

November 18, 2021

The Ends of the Ages: Session 11 (The Embedded Church: Part 2)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Ends of the Ages Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Isaiah 40:9–40:10, Isaiah 40:21–40:26, Isaiah 41:8–41:16, Isaiah 43:1–43:13, Isaiah 44:1–44:5, Isaiah 45:15–45:17, Isaiah 46:3–46:4, Isaiah 49:3–49:7

November 11, 2021

The Ends of the Ages: Session 10 (The Embedded Church)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Ends of the Ages Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Romans 12:1–12:2, 1 Corinthians 1:26–1:30, Ephesians 5:1–5:13

November 4, 2021

The Ends of the Ages: Session 9 (The Church and Israel)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Ends of the Ages Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Romans 9–11

October 28, 2021

The Ends of the Ages: Session 8 (The Christ "in Church")

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Ends of the Ages Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Romans 12:1–12:5, 1 Corinthians 10:16–10:17, 1 Corinthians 12:4–12:27

October 21, 2021

The Ends of the Ages: Session 7

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Ends of the Ages Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Ephesians 2:11–2:22, Colossians 3:9–3:11

October 14, 2021

The Ends of the Ages: Session 6 (A New Day Has Dawned)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Ends of the Ages Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Isaiah 43:14–43:21, 2 Corinthians 5:14–5:17

September 30, 2021

The Ends of the Ages: Session 5 (The Eschatological Spirit)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Ends of the Ages Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Isaiah 11:1–11:5, Isaiah 59:16–59:21, Jeremiah 31:31–31:33, Ezekiel 37:1–37:14

September 23, 2021

The Ends of the Ages: Session 4 (Come Out and Be Separate)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Ends of the Ages Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Leviticus 20:22–20:26, Romans 6:15–6:22, 2 Corinthians 6:14–6:18

September 16, 2021

The Ends of the Ages: Session 3 (The Once and Future King)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Ends of the Ages Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Isaiah 9:1–9:7, Ezekiel 34:1–34:30, Romans 1:1–1:7

September 9, 2021

The Ends of the Ages: Session 2 (The Beating Heart of Judaism)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: The Ends of the Ages Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Ezekiel 10:1–10:22, Malachi 3:1–3:2

June 24, 2021

Gospel of John (Part 2): Session 12 (Free Indeed!)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Gospel of John Topic: Theology Class Scripture: John 8:31–8:59

June 10, 2021

Gospel of John (Part 2): Session 10 (Pericope de Adultera)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Gospel of John Topic: Theology Class Scripture: John 7:53–8:11

June 3, 2021

Gospel of John (Part 2): Session 9 (Rivers of Living Water)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Gospel of John Topic: Theology Class Scripture: John 7:25–7:52

May 13, 2021

Gospel of John (Part 2): Session 7 (To Whom Shall We Go?)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Gospel of John Topic: Theology Class Scripture: John 6:59–6:71

January 28, 2021

Paul's Theology: Session 16 (Justification by Faith)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Paul's Theology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Romans 3:21–4:16, Galatians 3:11–3:15, Ephesians 2:8–2:10

January 21, 2021

Paul's Theology: Session 15 (Walking in the Spirit)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Paul's Theology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Romans 8:1–8:13, 2 Corinthians 3:1–3:18, Galatians 5:1–5:25

January 14, 2021

Paul Theology: Session 14 (Not under Law, but under Grace

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Paul's Theology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Romans 6:1–6:23

December 17, 2020

Paul's Theology: Session 12 (The Gospel: Ministry of Reconciliation)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Paul's Theology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Galatians 1:6–1:24, 2 Corinthians 11:1–11:15

December 10, 2020

Paul's Theology: Session 11 (The Church: The New Humanity)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Paul's Theology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:14–5:17, Romans 5:12–5:21

December 3, 2020

Paul's Theology: Session 10 (The Church: The Body of Christ)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Paul's Theology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Ephesians 2:11–3:11, Ephesians 4:1–4:16, Galatians 2:11–2:16

November 12, 2020

Paul's Theology: Session 8 (He Must Reign Until…)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Paul's Theology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:25, Ephesians 1:20–1:23, Colossians 1:13–1:18

November 5, 2020

Paul's Theology: Session 7 (Jesus Christ is Lord)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Paul's Theology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Romans 5:12–5:21, 1 Corinthians 15:20–15:22

October 22, 2020

Paul's Theology: Session 6 (The Resurrection of Jesus)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Paul's Theology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Romans 1:1–1:4, Romans 6:1–6:5, Romans 8:31–8:39, 1 Corinthians 15:1–15:58

October 15, 2020

Paul's Theology: Session 5 (Damascus Road Encounter)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Paul's Theology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Acts 9, Acts 22, Acts 26

October 1, 2020

Paul's Theology: Session 4 (The Hope of Israel)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Paul's Theology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Acts 23:1–23:9, Daniel 2, Daniel 7, Daniel 12, Isaiah 9:6–9:7

September 24, 2020

Paul's Theology: Session 3 (Second Temple Judaism)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Paul's Theology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Acts 23:1–23:9

September 17, 2020

Paul's Theology: Session 2 (Saul of Tarsus)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Paul's Theology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Philippians 3:5–3:6, Galatians 1:13–1:14, Acts 22:1–22:5

September 10, 2020

Paul's Theology: Session 1 (Some Things Difficult to Understand)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Paul's Theology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: 2 Peter 3:15–3:16, Galatians 1:11–1:17

July 2, 2020

Gospel of John: Session 17 (Back to Cana)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Gospel of John Topic: Theology Class Scripture: John 4:27–4:54

June 25, 2020

Gospel of John: Session 16 (At Jacob's Well)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Gospel of John Topic: Theology Class Scripture: John 4:4–4:26

June 18, 2020

Gospel of John: Session 15 (He Must Increase)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Gospel of John Topic: Theology Class Scripture: John 3:22–4:2

June 11, 2020

Gospel of John: Session 14 (You Must Be Born Again)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Gospel of John Topic: Theology Class Scripture: John 3:1–3:21, Ezekiel 36:25–36:27

June 4, 2020

Gospel of John: Session 13 (He Who Rebuilds the Temple)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Gospel of John Topic: Theology Class Scripture: John 2:12–2:22, Matthew 21:12–21:13, 1 Peter 2:4–2:5

May 28, 2020

Gospel of John: Session 12 (The Wedding at Cana)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Gospel of John Topic: Theology Class Scripture: John 2:1–2:11

May 21, 2020

Gospel of John: Session 11 (Come and See)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Gospel of John Topic: Theology Class Scripture: John 1:35–1:51

May 14, 2020

Gospel of John: Session 10 (The Lamb of God)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Gospel of John Topic: Theology Class Scripture: John 1:25–1:34, Ezekiel 36:25–36:27

April 23, 2020

Gospel of John: Session 9 (The Beatific Vision)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Gospel of John Topic: Theology Class Scripture: John 1:15–1:18, Galatians 2:19–2:20, Philippians 3:7–3:11

April 16, 2020

Gospel of John: Session 8 (The Theology of the Incarnation)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Gospel of John Topic: Theology Class Scripture: John 1:14, Genesis 1:26–1:28, 1 Corinthians 15:35–15:45

April 9, 2020

Gospel of John: Session 7 (Cur Deus Homo)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Gospel of John Topic: Theology Class Scripture: John 1:14, Galatians 4:4, Romans 5:12–5:21

March 19, 2020

Gospel of John: Session 6 (The Light Comes into the World

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Gospel of John Topic: Theology Class Scripture: John 1:9–1:13, Romans 1:18–1:32

March 12, 2020

Gospel of John: Session 5 (There Came A Man Named John)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Gospel of John Topic: Theology Class Scripture: John 1:6–1:8, John 1:19–1:22

March 5, 2020

Gospel of John: Session 4 (Creation: the Indispensable Truth)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Gospel of John Topic: Theology Class Scripture: John 1:3–1:5, Colossians 1:16, Hebrews 1:1–1:3

February 27, 2020

Gospel of John: Session 3 (In the Beginning Was...)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Gospel of John Topic: Theology Class Scripture: John 1:1–1:2, Colossians 1:15–1:17, Hebrews 1:1–1:3

February 20, 2020

Gospel of John: Session 2 (The Source of John's Gospel)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Gospel of John Topic: Theology Class Scripture: 1 John 1:1–1:4

February 13, 2020

Gospel of John: Session 1 (Intro to the Theological Gospel)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Gospel of John Topic: Theology Class Scripture: John 1:1–1:18, John 20:30–20:31, 1 John 1:1–1:4

December 12, 2019

Eschatology: Session 16 (Loose Ends: Antichrist and Millennium)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Eschatology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:1–2:16, Revelation 20:1–15:15

December 5, 2019

Eschatology: Session 15 (Success or Failure?)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Eschatology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Matthew 28:18–28:20

November 21, 2019

Eschatology: Session 14 (The Second Coming)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Eschatology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Acts 1:9–1:11

November 14, 2019

Eschatology: Session 13 (The Great Tribulation)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Eschatology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Daniel 9:26–9:27

November 7, 2019

Eschatology: Session 12 (The Abomination of Desolation)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Eschatology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Matthew 24:1–24:51

October 31, 2019

Eschatology: Session 11 (Daniel's Seventy Weeks)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Eschatology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Daniel 9:1–9:27

October 24, 2019

Eschatology: Session 10 (Israel and the Faithfulness of God)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Eschatology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Romans 9–11

September 26, 2019

Eschatology: Session 8 (Paul and the Regnum Christi)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Eschatology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Philippians 2:5–2:11, 1 Corinthians 15:20–15:28

September 19, 2019

Eschatology: Session 7 (The Kingdom Now and Not Yet)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Eschatology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Matthew 13, Colossians 1:24–1:29

September 12, 2019

Eschatology: Session 6 (There Remains a Sabbath Rest)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Eschatology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Genesis 2:1–2:3, Hebrews 4:1–4:11

September 5, 2019

Eschatology: Session 5 (The Language of Eschatology)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Eschatology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Numbers 12:6–12:8

August 29, 2019

Eschatology: Session 4 (The Kingdom of God)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Eschatology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Daniel 7:13–7:14

August 22, 2019

Eschatology: Session 3 (The Fullness of Time)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Eschatology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Galatians 4:4

August 8, 2019

Eschatology: Session 1 (Meaning of Time)

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Eschatology Topic: Theology Class Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4

May 23, 2019

Genesis V: Session 15

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis V Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Genesis 50

May 16, 2019

Genesis V: Session 14

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis V Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Genesis 49:1–49:33

May 2, 2019

Genesis V: Session 12

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis V Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Genesis 45:1–47:12

April 25, 2019

Genesis V: Session 11

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis V Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Genesis 43:1–44:34

April 18, 2019

Genesis V: Session 10

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis V Topic: Theology Class

April 11, 2019

Genesis V: Session 9

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis V Topic: Theology Class

April 4, 2019

Genesis V: Session 8

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis V Topic: Theology Class

March 7, 2019

Genesis V: Session 7

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis V Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Genesis 39

February 28, 2019

Genesis V: Session 6

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis V Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Genesis 39

February 21, 2019

Genesis V: Session 5

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis V Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Genesis 38

February 14, 2019

Genesis V: Session 4

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis V Topic: Theology Class

February 7, 2019

Genesis V: Session 3

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis V Topic: Theology Class

January 31, 2019

Genesis V: Session 2

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis V Topic: Theology Class

January 24, 2019

Genesis V: Session 1

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis V Topic: Theology Class

October 11, 2018

Ecclesiology: Session 9

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Ecclesiology Topic: Theology Class

October 4, 2018

Ecclesiology: Session 8

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Ecclesiology Topic: Theology Class

September 13, 2018

Ecclesiology: Session 7

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Ecclesiology Topic: Theology Class

September 6, 2018

Ecclesiology: Session 6

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Ecclesiology Topic: Theology Class

August 30, 2018

Ecclesiology: Session 5

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Ecclesiology Topic: Theology Class

August 23, 2018

Ecclesiology: Session 4

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Ecclesiology Topic: Theology Class

August 16, 2018

Ecclesiology: Session 3

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Ecclesiology Topic: Theology Class

August 9, 2018

Ecclesiology: Session 2

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Ecclesiology Topic: Theology Class

August 2, 2018

Ecclesiology: Session 1

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Ecclesiology Topic: Theology Class

April 30, 2018

Genesis IV: Session 11

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis IV Topic: Theology Class

April 19, 2018

Genesis IV: Session 10

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis IV Topic: Theology Class

April 12, 2018

Genesis IV: Session 9

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis IV Topic: Theology Class

April 5, 2018

Genesis IV: Session 8

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis IV Topic: Theology Class

March 1, 2018

Genesis IV: Session 7

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis IV Topic: Theology Class

February 22, 2018

Genesis IV: Session 6

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis IV Topic: Theology Class

February 22, 2018

Genesis IV: Session 5

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis IV Topic: Theology Class

February 1, 2018

Genesis IV: Session 4

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis IV Topic: Theology Class

January 25, 2018

Genesis IV: Session 3

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis IV Topic: Theology Class

January 11, 2018

Genesis IV: Session 2

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis IV Topic: Theology Class

January 4, 2018

Genesis IV: Session 1

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis IV Topic: Theology Class

March 23, 2017

Genesis III: Session 16

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis III Topic: Theology Class

March 16, 2017

Genesis III: Session 15

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis III Topic: Theology Class

March 9, 2017

Genesis III: Session 14

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis III Topic: Theology Class

March 2, 2017

Genesis III: Session 13

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis III Topic: Theology Class

February 23, 2017

Genesis III: Session 12

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis III Topic: Theology Class

February 16, 2017

Genesis III: Session 11

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis III Topic: Theology Class

February 2, 2017

Genesis III: Session 10

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis III Topic: Theology Class

January 26, 2017

Genesis III: Session 9

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis III Topic: Theology Class

January 19, 2017

Genesis III: Session 8

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis III Topic: Theology Class

January 12, 2017

Genesis III: Session 7

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis III Topic: Theology Class

December 15, 2016

Genesis III: Session 6

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis III Topic: Theology Class

December 8, 2016

Genesis III: Session 5

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis III Topic: Theology Class

December 1, 2016

Genesis III: Session 4

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis III Topic: Theology Class

November 17, 2016

Genesis III: Session 3

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis III Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Genesis 12:1–12:3

November 10, 2016

Genesis III: Session 2

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis III Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Acts 7:2–7:7, Acts 14:16

November 3, 2016

Genesis III: Session 1

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis III Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Genesis 11:26–11:32

March 20, 2014

Genesis I: Session 7

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis I Topic: Theology Class

February 27, 2014

Genesis I: Session 5

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis I Topic: Theology Class

February 20, 2014

Genesis I: Session 4

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis I Topic: Theology Class

February 6, 2014

Genesis I: Session 3

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis I Topic: Theology Class

January 30, 2014

Genesis I: Session 2

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis I Topic: Theology Class

January 9, 2014

Genesis I: Session 1

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Genesis I Topic: Theology Class

May 27, 2010

Hebrews III: Session 22

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews III Topic: Theology Class

May 20, 2010

Hebrews III: Session 21

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews III Topic: Theology Class

May 13, 2010

Hebrews III: Session 20

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews III Topic: Theology Class

April 29, 2010

Hebrews III: Session 19

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews III Topic: Theology Class

April 22, 2010

Hebrews III: Session 18

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews III Topic: Theology Class

April 8, 2010

Hebrews III: Session 17

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews III Topic: Theology Class

April 1, 2010

Hebrews III: Session 16

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews III Topic: Theology Class

March 25, 2010

Hebrews III: Session 15

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews III Topic: Theology Class

March 11, 2010

Hebrews III: Session 14

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews III Topic: Theology Class

February 11, 2010

Hebrews III: Session 11

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews III Topic: Theology Class

January 28, 2010

Hebrews III: Session 10

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews III Topic: Theology Class

January 14, 2010

Hebrews III: Session 8

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews III Topic: Theology Class

January 7, 2010

Hebrews III: Session 7

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews III Topic: Theology Class

December 10, 2009

Hebrews III: Session 6a

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews III Topic: Theology Class

December 3, 2009

Hebrews III: Session 5

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews III Topic: Theology Class

November 11, 2009

Hebrews III: Session 4

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews III Topic: Theology Class

November 5, 2009

Hebrews III: Session 3

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews III Topic: Theology Class

October 8, 2009

Hebrews III: Session 1

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews III Topic: Theology Class

October 23, 2008

Hebrews II: Session 10

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews II Topic: Theology Class

October 2, 2008

Hebrews II: Session 9

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews II Topic: Theology Class

September 25, 2008

Hebrews II: Session 8

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews II Topic: Theology Class

September 18, 2008

Hebrews II: Session 7

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews II Topic: Theology Class

September 4, 2008

Hebrews II: Session 6

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews II Topic: Theology Class

August 28, 2008

Hebrews II: Session 5

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews II Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Hebrews 6:4–6:6

August 14, 2008

Hebrews II: Session 3

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews II Topic: Theology Class

August 7, 2008

Hebrews II: Session 2

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews II Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Hebrews 5:1–5:10

July 31, 2008

Hebrews II: Session 1

Speaker: Chuck Hartman Series: Hebrews II Topic: Theology Class Scripture: Hebrews 4:14–4:16


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