A study in worship from John 4.
Join us as Chuck Hartman takes us through the book of John verse by verse.
"With one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel”
(Phil. 1:27)
About Us: While we proclaim the absolute sovereignty of God in the salvation of sinful man (“Salvation is of Jehovah”) we do not believe that this doctrine in any way diminishes the responsibility of man to repent and believe. Man’s inability to repent and to seek after God is a self-inflicted and terminal wound, and therefore cannot mitigate his responsibility of holy obedience to his Creator God. Mysteriously, God’s saving grace works alongside the proclamation of the Gospel to regenerate the hearts of those whom God has chosen “from before the foundation of the world,” changing their nature and making them ‘new creations.’ This is the glorious Good News whereby God has done in Jesus Christ what man must but cannot do for himself. Therefore, with Paul, we are “not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation…” (Rom. 1:16)
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